Adding Nunit Project to nopCommerce Plugin

I’ve been working on integrating SonarClodu into the nopCommerce Plugin development workflow, and came across a procedure that helps with building out a plugin with the ability to easily integrate it into a fresh copy of nopCommerce.

As an example, you can see it in the FreshAddress Integration Plugin source code.

Plugin Folder Structure

    Plugin Project
    Test project

A few things to take apart here:

Creating the Test Project

When creating the Test project, I’ve set it up to mimic the nopCommerce tech stack (you can change the naming based on ypur plugin):

dotnet new nunit -n Nop.Plugin.Misc.FreshAddressIntegration.Tests -o Tests

dotnet add package coverlet.msbuild
dotnet add package FluentAssertions
dotnet add package Moq

dotnet add reference ../Source/Nop.Plugin.Misc.FreshAddress.csproj

Then when running tests with coverage, you can run with the following:

dotnet test Plugins/Tests/Nop.Plugin.Misc.FreshAddress.Tests.csproj /p:CollectCoverage=true /p:CoverletOutputFormat=opencover

This will generate the report that gets imported into Sonar and provides reporting.