Adding Nunit Project to nopCommerce Plugin
I’ve been working on integrating SonarClodu into the nopCommerce Plugin development workflow, and came across a procedure that helps with building out a plugin with the ability to easily integrate it into a fresh copy of nopCommerce.
As an example, you can see it in the FreshAddress Integration Plugin source code.
Plugin Folder Structure
Plugin Project
Test project
A few things to take apart here:
is a helper script that adds a flag to all other nopCommerce projects to prevent them from being included in Sonar report.
Creating the Test Project
When creating the Test project, I’ve set it up to mimic the nopCommerce tech stack (you can change the naming based on ypur plugin):
dotnet new nunit -n Nop.Plugin.Misc.FreshAddressIntegration.Tests -o Tests
dotnet add package coverlet.msbuild
dotnet add package FluentAssertions
dotnet add package Moq
dotnet add reference ../Source/Nop.Plugin.Misc.FreshAddress.csproj
Then when running tests with coverage, you can run with the following:
dotnet test Plugins/Tests/Nop.Plugin.Misc.FreshAddress.Tests.csproj /p:CollectCoverage=true /p:CoverletOutputFormat=opencover
This will generate the report that gets imported into Sonar and provides reporting.