Setting up A Jitsi Meet Server on Azure

With the COVID-19 pandemic going on, video chat is on the rise, with people using tools like Zoom, WebEx, and others. One option is to use an open-source solution like Jitsi Meet, which provides both a public cloud version you can use easily, and a version you can host on your own.

Why host on your own? You should consider hosting on your own if:

Server Creation and Jitsi Installation

First, create an Azure VM with the following:

Once the VM is created, SSH into the server and install the Jitsi full suite:

when installing, you’ll be asked to configure jitsi-videobridge2, use the URL you plan to use for this Jitsi instance. Afterwards, generate a self-signed certificate (we’ll create one with Let’s Encrypt later).

To verify installation worked successfully, visit the IP address in a browser, making sure you use HTTPS.

Set up SSL with Let’s Encrypt

To set up SSL, you’ll need to set up a domain name for the server in place – you can either:

Once this is done, you can run the following to automatically create a cert:
