Setting up WordPress in Azure with AKS and Helm

To get started, you’ll need the following:

Installing WordPress in AKS with Helm

Set up an Azure Kubernetes Service with the following:

After AKS is set up, connect to it with the following:

az aks get-credentials --resource-group AKS_RG --name AKS_NAME

Install Helm:

helm init

Create a values.yml file:

Create a second file values.secret.yml:

Now install WordPress with the following commands:

helm install --name blog -f values.yml -f values.secrets.yml stable/wordpress

After installation, run the following command to get the external IP:

kubectl get svc --namespace default -w blog-wordpress

Once the IP is ready, you’ll likely need to wait for the pods to finish loading. You can check their status with:

kubectl get pods

Once ready, try accessing the IP address to get the WordPress installation.
