Upgrading Jenkins On Azure

the Microsoft documentation.

SSH into the Virtual Machine

If you’ve been using this instance, you should be familiar with SSH forwarding and being able to access Jenkins using localhost.  If this is new, you can read this Jenkins article on the security setup for the Azure Jenkins Marketplace instance.
Use this command in a command line interface to log in to your virtual machine:

Replace the following:

You’ll be asked for a password – use the password provided alongside the username when creating the virtual machine.
After logging in you’ll see a screen like below.  This verifies you are connected to the virtual machine.

Access http://localhost:8080 and verify you can access the Jenkins interface:

Download Newest JAR

After logging into the server, you’ll use the following command to download the latest version of Jenkins:

Assuming all is successful, you should see the following

After downloading the .war file, copy it to the Jenkins directory:

(if you need to know the location of the WAR file on the server, you can check it in Manage Jenkins -> System Information)
And finally, with the new .war in place, restart Jenkins:

Verification of the installation is simple. Access Jenkins and check the bottom right to see the updated version number:


Upgrade Jenkins server to a new version